One phrase uttered and so much of pain felt. It originates at the heart, spreads to the soul as a single shooting, sharp arrow. I sit there having a lot fun, laughing my lungs out, when all of a sudden, one phrase catches my attention. My mind tries to drag my heart away, tries to make fun of it too, like everything lese, but.....
"We are beating them at their own game!!!"
Uttered with so much pride, eyes twinkling, a smile peeps out. A smile of achievement. Why did it hit me like a bolt of lightning taking my breath away?
I was a part of them, not so long ago. I am a part of "We" now, solely because I was a part of them then. Can I ever cease to be a part of them? Rather can I ever "ampute" their essence from my life? The essence which made life livable, bearable and gave me a ray of hope in the darkness of night.
Why do these emotions catch me unawares always?
This pain is the sensation from a part of my soul, a part of my being that has been lost.
From which I no longer receive signals. Or do I?