Friday, November 07, 2008

Time Travel....

I picked up this tag from Joy, from where I seem to pick up all my tags :)

Two questions in each category answer them and then tag your friends from the blog-o-sphere. (Simple enough right) Leave a comment on their blog letting them know they have been tagged and you are all set.
Yesterday - Your oldest memory - What were you doing 10 years ago?
Today -Your first thought today morning - If you built a time capsule today what would it contain?
Tomorrow - This year ….What do you see yourself doing 14 years from now?

Ok here are my thoughts:


My Oldest Memory - is the day I celebrated my, I think, 8th year birthday. At that time, we used to stay quite far away from my school, in a new house. That was my last year in that school, where I had studied from when I began schooling. And so, my parents thought they would get me a cake to cut in my class (it was a privilege in those days, distributing chocolates would be the common thing). I was drooling over not the cake but all the attention I was about to get. I went with my dad and his friend to get the cake. We bought it from a prestoigious bakery and then my dad suggested we keep it an aunt's house near the school so that mom and me wouldn't have to carry it back in the morning. It made sense, nevertheless, a very disturbing idea as I did not trust my aunt's two children: one a year elder to me and another 2 years younger. But what could I say? My heart was beating in my mouth the whole night and the joy of seeing my cake when my aunt came down the steps with that cake is something I will never forget. I kept wondering from where the two 5 star choco bars came from, along with the cake (I was doubly sure my dad hadn't bought them, chocos were a strict no no back then) till I realized many many years later (ok..I am a slow learner) that it was my aunt's gift!!

What were you doing 10 years ago?
Oh life was pretty boring back then. I was in my second year of surely, I would be sweltering in the class or slogging in the library or running around to get some stupid notes for some God forbidden subject, which I would never ever use in my professional life.


Your first thought today morning?
"Man tomorrow is a saturday and its a holiday for my I can sleep in..." I haven't had a decent night's sleep in a month or so.... :(

If you built a time capsule today what would it contain?
It would contain the bliss of life as it is now. I would surely first add in the moment I held my baby in my arms, I can still feel the elation. How blessed and on top of the world I felt that day.....amazing...


This year:
Hmm...well, this year is almost ending isn't it? By the end of the year I would like to set up my home and bring some semblence of normalcy into our lives.

What do you see yourself doing 14 years from now?
I see myself out of the rat race, doing what I always wanted to do, teach, whatever I can, wherever I can to whomever I can.